Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Grampians National Park

This park is approximately 100 km north of Warrnambool which is the west end of the Great Ocean Road. The Grampians stretch north to south for nearly 90 km. The ranges are mainly sandstone although we thought some appeared to be of volcanic origin. A major bush fire destroyed fifty percent of the park in 2006 and a year ago it was devastated with heavy flooding. Many trails are closed and accommodation had just reopened. Dave was intrigued by a picture of a cave in Hollow Mountain so off we went to check it out.
(Attn: feel free to click on the pics to enlarge)

Many long billed corella cockatoos in the trees above our camper

And of course the kookaburras

One of the many views in the park.

And what a collection of lizards! This is the Shingleback or Stumpy Tail Lizard. It was off the side of the road and about 12" long.
As a defence mechanism, if attacked they can drop their tail and grow another. The tail is often mistaken for the head.
The head of the Stumpy Tail

Entrance to the cave in Hollow Mountain. A 11/2 hour trek in 34C temperatures. Dave's gig not mine!!

And this is the shot he was looking for. Amazing!
I enjoyed his video in the car park afterwards. The 2-3 mile drive on unsealed roads at a very slow pace was worth it all.

Another shot from the hike.

Britz, the company that rents campers like ours has a strict rule about travel on unsealed roads. Oops, broke that one so Dave could get the shots and do the hike.
Black Rock Skink This one was thought to be 11" long by Hiker Man.

And he also came upon the Common Bronzwing Pigeon.

Same pigeon with the feathers reflecting the sunlight!!

Now this 24" Gould's Monitor was also spotted on the road. Even stayed still for this great picture.

Sign on the bathroom doors in our caravan park.
Now wouldn't I just want to take my kids camping there? But after all, when you are an Aussie, you are somewhat immune to these discoveries as this country has the most types of venomous creatures in the world.

And finally an emu sighting. Life is good, sigh.


Halliver said...

Lovin' the "thumbs-up" shtick! I would have gone to check out the cave as well!

Hall-Spils said...

Keep on hikin' Dad (aka Hiker Man)!

Anonymous said...

You are geting some excellent nature shots. Reminds us of Saskatchewan!